Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tired Tidbits of our Trip....

I am so tired! We just got back from a trip to Arizona at 1:30 am this morning. It was fun, but I am so tired! (Did I mention that already?)
Reasons I know I'm tired:
  1. I opened the door and then ran into it.
  2. I forgot my wedding ring after I put hand lotion on.
  3. My eyes are puffy.

There are many things I am thankful for about this Christmas:

  1. A trip to see our brother
  2. Sammi, our niece
  3. Beautiful sunsets in AZ desert
  4. Long talks with Mathew
  5. Naps
  6. Christmas lights
  7. peanut M & Ms
  8. long visit with my sister on the way home
  9. A phone that works
  10. A house that was warm to come home to
  11. Parents

Our trip was pretty uneventful, but very relaxing! (I will post pictures later) Two neat things God provided for us coming home were,

  1. He helped us be on time for our flight. (We entered the AZ airport early, checked our bags and got our tickets, and then commenced to wander around the airport shops. We had a fun time just browsing and then finding a place to eat, all the while totally forgetting that we hadn't gone through security check yet. So, about 1/2 hour before boarding time, we started towards our gate....and found ourselves in a loooong line for security check. We had forgotten we were still in the outer part of the airport! Thankfully, God had made our flight 15 mintues late which made it perfect for us to get through line and to our gate just in time!)
  2. He provided a better way for us to drive home. (We were both pretty tired by the time we got to the MN airport, and not really sure how we would manage the 4 hour drive home in the dark. BUT, my sister and niece decided they would come up early to our mom''s house, so came with us last night. She drove. We visited. Mathew and Sammi slept. It worked out perfect!)


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!
That is nice that Becky and Sami could come up with you.
Love, Abbi

Martha said...

happy day! I'm so glad you had a good Christmas! I like your thankful list. I was just enjoying the peanut m+m's today too.


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