Monday, February 28, 2011

Books I recommend

There are some great kid's books on my shelf that I thought I'd share (in case you are looking for a book  to read)

In no particular order, here are some of Sunita and my favorites right now:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I like this book for it's fun simplicity and good pictures. It also teaches the life of a butterfly. My only gripe is that it actually isn't accurate.....on the last couple pages it calls what the caterpillar makes a "cacoon." If the caterpillar is going to be a moth, that would be correct, but since it's a butterfly, it should be Chrysalis. I know, I know, it''s picky. But I guess it matters to me, because I took a marker and crossed it out in the book :) Yes, yes I did.

 God Loves me More than That
I reveiwed this book earlier on my blog. At first, I thought I wouldn't read it much, but it has become one of my favorites. My favorite line is, "It's nice to know that my whole life through, God loves me more than that." I like to read it to Sunita so that she knows, no matter what, God loves her as she grows up.
Five Little Ladybugs
Another bug book. I'm partial to these ;) This one is just fun and has little "bugs" to touch and push.

 Guess How Much I Love You
This book is a classic, and just a "warm and fuzzy" read.

 The Carrot Seed
For a book that doesn't have many words, I sure find this one amusing! (So does my 5 year old neighbor) It's one of our favorite reads for a laugh. Plus, it's a board book so has easy-to-turn pages. My neighbor loves it because she can quote it herself. (i.e. read it to me)
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
I love how this book reads. It talks about babies from all over the world, how they are the same and how they are different. I enjoy reading it to Sunita especially because of having relatives in India. I like reminding her that everyone is special, no matter what part of the world they are born in.

Goodnight Gorilla
This book is an all-time-favorite of mine (and every kid I've babysat). Not sure what it is, but it's a keeper. This book actually has no words, but I've "read" it so long, I have a standard "story" that I read aloud now. Our favorite two pages are the black ones (if you read it you'll know what I'm talking about). The one that has all the "goodnights" (read in many different voices) and then simply the two eyeballs ("Who's in my bedroom with me?!")

Even if you don't necessarily have a kid to read all these to, I'd personally say you could get away with reading them yourself :)

I'm sure you could find them all at the library.

Or, you could get them from Amazon (where these images are from)


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